
This workshop was established in 1907

sabato 30 gennaio 2016

Patinas & Restoring

Paint coating for museum reproduction.
All that models are made in chalk baluster, cast on silicone shaped of original art pices, with different patinas:
Steel patina of a punch minted coin reprodution ( Uliana Pernazza design )

Bronze patina with two different oxidation case due to conservation place:

The angel baroque decoration with outside copper oxidation and salt minerals reaction due to rain and organic contact.

 Indoor 20 century lamp decoration with black oxidation due to petrol lamp or candels and dust deposit.

Silver 925 Benvenuto Cellini coin Silver 950 Raffaele Sanzio coin Gold Filippo Brunelleschi coin

Copper Cosiomo de'Medici coin

Onyx stone 20 century cammeo 

Agate stone  20 century cammeo 

Steel punches handmade realized around the 1900.
microscope view

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